In fifties, Bank officers did not think it proper to form their own organisation. In most of the Banks, Officers’ Trade Unions came into being only in sixties. Our Officers’ Association was not an exception to this development. An organisation in the name of Indian Bank Officers’ Supervisory Staff Association was formed. This organisation was a unitary type of organisation. It was recognised by the management and the recognition agreement was signed on 27.06.1975. But its presence was not felt effectively.

The old days are still fresh in memory when officers’ interests and their service conditions were totally controlled by the workman. Whatever perks and allowances that were given to officers, it was only given as an extension of the benefits that were given to workman. Without following any rational and without appreciating the responsibilities that the officers have to shoulder, the perks and allowances were given by adding few rupees extra to the eligible amounts given to the award staff. The self respect, status and position as officer was at stake.

Under these circumstances the necessity of having a vibrant trade union which will not merely confine to welfare activities but act as a protector to officers and to extend a comprehensive support and insurance to all their problems within and outside the bank was felt. This has taken shape as a federal organisation in the name of All India Indian Bank Officers’ Association. It was recognised on 6th June 1978.

The All India Indian Bank Officers’ Association comprised of 7 units, namely Indian Bank Officers Association (Tamilnadu & Pondy), Indian Bank Officers Association (Andhra Pradesh), Indian Bank Officers Association (Karnataka), Indian Bank Officers Association (Kerala), Indian Bank Officers Organisation (Northern Zone), Indian Bank Officers Association (Eastern Zone) and Indian Bank Officers Organisation (Western Zone).

All India Indian Bank Officers’ Association (AIIBOA) has always acted with a sense of proportion and responsibility in all its endeavour and actions. AIIBOA volunteered to form productivity councils when the bank incurred a loss in the year 1994. It is a pioneer in building up united movement in the industry. Even before the concept of Joint Action Committee, United Forum of Bank Unions took shape, protesting the closure of some Regional Offices a united movement was conducted at the initiative of AIIBOA. After our bank has suffered a major set back in the year 1996 by incurring a whopping loss of Rs.1336 crores, united movement was revived and Joint Forum of Indian Bank Unions was formed to pressurize the Government to infuse the necessary capital to the Bank. In this direction AIIBOA took the lead and an MOU was signed on 08.10.97 by All the Unions and Association in our Bank which facilitated the infusion of capital. While signing the MOU, AIIBOA took a very bold step of sacrificing certain benefits for which officers are entitled through service regulations. It is not a small step as no Trade Union will muster courage to forego benefits with the confidence that they can revive once the Institution turns around. The foresight of AIIBOA was proved right. The MOU signed on 08.10.97 was followed by another MOU signed in the year 2002 which was in force upto March 2004. Never in the history a Public Sector Organisation which had incurred loss for consecutive 6 years got revived. Proving this event wrong, Indian Bank turned around and has scored profit consecutively for 3 years. The sacrifices made under MOU are restored.

AIIBOA feels proud that it has rightly identified with the Institution at the time of difficulty and was successful in involving its members in the process of turnaround. It is a matter of great honour for AIIBOA that its President Shri.A.K.Jana became the president of AIBOC, the Apex Level Organisation for Bank officers having in its fold nearly 3 lakh officers as its members. With its rich experience and commitment of the members AIIBOA is confident of garnering further glories.

After e Allahabad Bank is merged with Indian Bank, the process of amalgamation of associations was also being rolled out. In that direction historic Joint Special General Body of AIIBOA & AIABOA was held on 25 07 21 and the General Body approved the amalgamation of AIIBOA and AIABOA to facilitate the merged entity of AIIBOA to continue and to carry out its responsibilities of collective bargaining and grievance redressal for the benefit of rank and file of AIIBOA.

After amalgamation of Associations, The All India Indian Bank Officers’ Association now comprises of 13 units, namely Indian Bank Officers’ Association (Tamilnadu & Pondy), Indian Bank Officers’ Association (UP & Uttaragand), Indian Bank Officers’ Association(Eastern Unit), Indian Bank Officers’ Association (AP & Telangana), Indian Bank Officers’ Association (Bihar & Jharkhand), Indian Bank Officers’ Association( Maharashtra), Indian Bank Officers’ Association ( Delhi & Rajasthan), Indian Bank Officers’ Association ( MP & Chattisgarh), Indian Bank Officers’ Association (Chandigarh), Indian Bank Officers’ Association (Odissa), Indian Bank Officers’ Association (Karnataka), Indian Bank Officers’ Association (Kerala) and Indian Bank Officers’ Association (Gujarat).

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